Our Common Sense Pledge

We recognize that among the primary purposes of our State and Federal Constitutions are first to limit the power of the government and second to protect the rights of citizens. We agree that numerous sections of our State and Federal Constitutions have been violated by the current Washington State government during the past 4 years. We pledge to honor and uphold the Washington State Constitution… and thereby restore a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

We further agree that our State or Federal Constitutional rights can never be suspended for any reason without Due Process and Just Compensation as defined by our Federal and State Constitutions. We will therefore work to limit the power of the Governor to close businesses for any period longer than 14 days. Any business that is closed for any reason must be fully compensated by the government per Article 1 Section 16 of the Washington State Constitution. In addition, the owner of any property subjected by the State to any rental moratoriums must be fully compensated for the financial harm inflicted upon them due to the state imposed rental moratorium.

We further agree that our State Constitution requires local control of our public schools. We will therefore work to limit the power of the State Superintendent to close schools without a vote of the local school board for any period longer than 14 days. We will further work to prohibit the Governor or Superintendent from threatening to withhold apportionment funds from any school district for any reason. We will further work to prohibit any State officer or agency from requiring test mandates, mask mandates or shot mandates for any student, parent or teacher or any other state or private employee. We further agree that parents are the primary caregivers and decision makers for their children and that WOKE propaganda policies and racial shaming have no place in our public schools.

We therefore pledge to honor and uphold every Article and Section of the Washington State Constitution at all times - including these Honest Government provisions:

Article 1, Section 1 which states that “All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.”

Article 1, Section 3 which states that “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

Article 1, Section 16 which requires that no private property shall be taken or damaged for public or private use without just compensation.

Article 1, Section 7 which requires a uniform system of State taxes…

Article 1, Section 12 which prohibits granting any citizen or corporation special privileges or immunities…

Article 2, Section 28 which prohibits special tax breaks for any corporation…

Article 2, Section 30 which prohibits bribery or corruption of elected officials…

Article 1 Section 19 which requires all elections to be free and equal…

Article 9, Section 1 which requires the State to make ample provision for the education of all children…

Article 9 Section 2 which requires the legislature to provide a uniform system of public schools (which our Supreme Court has interpreted to mean that Local Levies should not exceed 10% of State funding in order to avoid a system of rich schools and poor schools)…

We therefore pledge to work towards the restoration of private property rights, the repeal of illegal corporate tax breaks, the restoration of a uniform tax system, the restoration of free and equal elections and the restoration of a uniform system of amply funded schools.

This includes working to reverse the 2017 Levy Swipe which has illegally caused a record increase in property taxes – while at the same time led to the firing of thousands of teachers all across Washington State.


Note: We are just getting started! We will shortly post a page where any candidate for any office may join our Common Sense Coalition by posting their agreement with our Common Sense Pledge. In the coming weeks, we will also post a series of articles explaining the importance of each of these State Constitutional provisions and how they are being violated by our current State government. If you have any suggests for improving this Pledge or any questions about this Pledge, please email us: David (at) WashingtonCommonSenseCoalition dot org.